Verpackungen aus recyceltem Kunststoff

recycled plastic packaging from China in gradient effect made of RPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate) material.RPET is a type of plastic that is made by recycling plastic bottles and containers. It is a more sustainable option than traditional plastic because it reduces the amount of plastic waste in the environment and helps to conserve natural resources. The gradient color effect on the box is achieved by blending two or more colors together in a gradual transition, creating a visually appealing look. This effect is often used in product packaging, as it can help to make a product stand out on the shelves.

Details zum Produkt

recycled plastic packaging boxes are a design concept that aims to reduce environmental impact through the use of environmentally friendly materials and sustainable production processes. Recyclable plastic materials, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polypropylene (PP), are used to make recyclable plastic packing boxes. Because they are recyclable and require less energy to produce, these materials lessen the need for finite wood and other natural resources.

Sustainability is also taken into consideration during the design and production of recyclable plastic packing boxes. For instance, they often use less material to provide the same packing effect, which may save resource usage and manufacturing costs. Furthermore, in order to lessen environmental pollution, recyclable plastic packing boxes are often printed with eco-friendly inks.
One sustainable and eco-friendly packaging option is recyclable plastic packing boxes. To lessen the harm to the environment and save our home planet, we should aggressively promote and use this packaging technique.

Recycelte Kunststoffverpackungen


Optimization design

At jiangxin, by optimizing the design of plastic packaging boxes, we can reduce the amount of material used, lower production costs, and reduce the impact on the environment. For example, adopting a simpler shape and structure and reducing unnecessary decoration and details can make the packaging box lighter and stronger while reducing the use of materials.

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Features of recycled plastic packaging:

Environmentally sustainable:

Recycled plastic packaging helps accomplish sustainable environmental protection by using eco-friendly materials—mostly recyclable plastics—instead of new plastic raw materials. This also eases the strain on natural resources.


Reusability is emphasised in the design of packaging made of recycled plastic. The packaging may reduce resource consumption for a single use by maintaining its original function and look after several uses via careful selection of structure and materials.

Unique gradient color design:

Recycled plastic packaging has a distinctive visual appeal because to its gradient colour schemes, which provide goods and businesses a customised appearance while showcasing a focus on aesthetics and design.


Recycled plastic packaging makes heavy use of colour to give it a colourful look. This not only helps the product stand out on the shelf and makes the package more appealing, but it also attracts customers' attention.

Durable and lightweight:

Recycled plastic packing boxes are robust and able to survive the rigours of regular usage and transit. At the same time, plastic's lightweight characteristics make it easier to transport and utilise the product than other conventional materials.

Wide range of uses:

Recycled plastic packing boxes are versatile and strong, making them appropriate for a variety of applications. It may be used to package little things and a variety of different products in addition to consumer goods like food, cosmetics, presents, and so on.

Reduce resource waste:

Recycling plastic packaging contributes to the reduction of resource waste and the advancement of a circular economy by recycling and reusing plastic materials. This is consistent with society's pressing demand for resource efficiency and sustainability.\

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals:

Businesses may improve their brand image, meet sustainable development objectives, complete their social obligations, and benefit society and the environment by using recycled plastic packaging.

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Was ist Teppichkunststoff in recycelten Kunststoffverpackungen?

RPET steht für Recyceltes Polyethylenterephthalat, eine Art von Kunststoff, der aus recycelten Kunststoffflaschen und -behältern hergestellt wird. Es wird häufig für die Herstellung von Lebensmittelverpackungen, Flaschen und anderen Konsumgütern verwendet.

RPET-Kunststoff hat ähnliche Eigenschaften wie herkömmlicher Kunststoff, was ihn zu einem vielseitigen Material für eine Vielzahl von Konsumgütern macht. Es ist leicht, langlebig und resistent gegen Feuchtigkeit und andere Umwelteinflüsse.

RPET-Kunststoff ist eine nachhaltigere Option als herkömmlicher Kunststoff, da er die Menge an Kunststoffabfällen in der Umwelt reduziert und natürliche Ressourcen schont. Durch das Recycling von Kunststoffflaschen und -behältern verringert RPET-Kunststoff die Menge an Kunststoff, die auf Mülldeponien oder in den Ozeanen landet, und hilft so, Umweltverschmutzung und Treibhausgasemissionen zu vermeiden.