


With regard to gift packaging box, Jiangxin packing Company has extensive expertise and expert understanding. They create and produce a wide range of exquisite, elegant, and high-end gift packaging items that serve society in addition to meeting production, circulation, and consumption demands. brought in enormous financial gains.
Gift box packaging focuses on producing a distinctive, enjoyable, and memorable unwrapping experience for the receiver. Gift boxes may be customised by businesses to match their positioning and product attributes thanks to the many customisation choices provided by manufacturers. This personalised solution not only satisfies the brand's particular requirements but also strengthens the gift box's attractiveness and distinctiveness.
Packaging has a social purpose as well. It enhances people's quality of life and fulfils their need for beauty, in addition to offering crucial help for marketing and sales. Effective packaging may draw in customers, boost a product's added value, enhance a brand's reputation, and enhance consumer attention—all of which have a profoundly positive spiritual impact on society as a whole.



  1. Gift packing box with a basic style: The box's simplicity may give the whole area an air of openness and smoothness, which not only increases the perception of space but also heightens the visual appeal of the package. Naturally, a minimalist style involves both sensing and tasting the beautiful quality of a simple existence while maintaining a basic aesthetic.
  2. Classic style: Mixing and matching looks great in a classic style. Gift packing boxes are designed by the manufacturer using a variety of styles. This look may draw in clients who follow fashion trends and satisfy the diverse appreciation demands of a larger clientele. the younger generation, which is why it is now highly respected as well.
  3. Naturalism: People are becoming more conscious of the value of the natural environment for their health as environmental awareness grows. A lot of gift box designers decide to include the idea of green environmental preservation into their designs, giving the whole box a delicious natural flavour that not only lifts the spirits of the recipient but also works well as a room decoration.
  4. Good gift box design immediately increases customers' desire to purchase and influences their buying behaviour with its beautiful form, sensible structure, eye-catching trademarks, respectable writing, and vibrant colours.
  5. The experience of opening a gift package for high-end items like jewellery, apparel, and luxury goods is crucial to consumer pleasure and company branding. Nevertheless, gift-ready packaging may encourage enthusiasm and interaction even for popular consumer goods. Customers regard the item as a well-thought-out present and eventually create a good link with the brand.

As a top-tier domestic manufacturer specialising in packing box customisation, Jiangxin Plastics meticulously designs and fabricates packaging boxes, enabling your goods to shine and launching your business!

Gift color Packaging Box


A clear plastic box with paper card insert

  • The gift box is constructed from a transparent plastic box with a paper card inside, giving it a classic rectangular appearance. The box's transparency makes it seem contemporary and presents the contents in an eye-catching manner.
  • The paper card's distinctive tapering form gives the present box a more elegant and lovely appearance. The present box is enormous, empty, made of coloured plastic, has a UV printed logo, and seems to be rather pricey overall.
  • In addition to offering a layer of protection, plastic gift bags provide the whole display a refined finishing touch. They are composed of stout transparent plastic that has been smoothed and coloured using a laser.
  • A key component of present box design is colour. The visual impact of the product on the terminal may be clearly shown via reasonable and scientific colour matching.

clear plastic box with paper card insert