립글로스 투명 상자

중국의 립글로스 투명 상자는 PET 플라스틱을 주재료로 사용하는 포장용 립스틱입니다. 립스틱 투명 플라스틱 포장은 오프셋 인쇄, 디지털 또는 스크린 인쇄와 같은 고급 인쇄 기술을 사용하여 상자의 플라스틱 표면에 고품질 그래픽, 텍스트 및 이미지를 인쇄하고 고주파 부드러운 선을 사용하여 투명 상자를 더욱 고급스럽게 만듭니다.

플라스틱 립스틱 포장은 맞춤형 아트웍, 패턴, 무광택 또는 광택과 같은 마감 등 다양한 방식으로 스타일링하여 더욱 매력적이고 눈길을 사로잡을 수 있습니다.

인쇄 공정에는 엠보싱, 호일 스탬핑 및 부분 UV 코팅과 같은 추가 장식 요소를 포함하여 플라스틱 상자의 미적 가치를 높일 수도 있습니다.

제품 세부 정보

립글로스 투명 상자

The lipgloss transparent box from manufacturer is a popular and versatile packaging solution for storing and displaying beauty and cosmetic products.The primary advantage of transparent cosmetic boxes is their ability to showcase the products inside. The transparency allows customers to easily see the colors, textures, and overall appearance of the cosmetics, enhancing the visual appeal and helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.
lipgloss transparent box from supplier is made of high-quality, transparent plastic that allows customers to see and admire the products inside. The packaging box can be designed in various shapes and sizes to fit different cosmetic products, from lipsticks and nail polishes to skincare and haircare items.
Lipstick packaging box adopts screen printing or UV printing process, personalized customized packaging products.Transparent cosmetic boxes can be customized with printed labels, logos, or graphics to display branding elements and product information. This customization can help create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
The lipgloss transparent box from factory is not only visually appealing but also durable and lightweight, making it a practical and cost-effective option for cosmetics manufacturers and retailers.Transparent cosmetic boxes can be used to package various cosmetic products, including makeup, skincare items, fragrances, and more. They are suitable for both retail and personal use.

The higher the number of seconds of a good transparent plastic box, the better the smoothness of the box. The better the smoothness of the packaging box, the more uniform and complete the contact between the paper surface and the printing plate during printing, the more fully the transfer of the ink layer on the layout (letterpan) or blanket, and the better the color rendering effect of the printed product. Conversely, for packaging boxes with poor smoothness, the ink transfer is uneven and insufficient, and the paper surface has strong ink permeability, so the color rendering effect is also poor, and it is often easy to make the ink color of the printed product fade or fade.

lipgloss transparent box features

  • The packaging box is made of PVC plastic material, which is soft, tough and plastic.

  • Transparent and beautiful, soft line stamping process, the transparent packaging box is more straight and high-end

  • Produces rich tones using a monochrome printing process

  • Anti-scratch varnish technology to keep the box clean

  • The color design of cosmetics in transparent cosmetic packaging boxes should not only give female consumers a sense of beauty, but also bring them rich associations about personality and value.

What is the size of lipstick packaging box?

The size of a lipstick packaging box would depend on various factors such as the shape and size of the lipstick container, the type of packaging design, and the brand preferences. It is important to note that lipstick packaging boxes can come in various sizes to accommodate different lipstick sizes and shapes.

What material is lipstick box?

Plastic lipstick packaging materials are the most common choice for cosmetic manufacturers because of their durability, flexibility, and affordability.
These materials are lightweight and can be molded into various shapes and sizes. Some of the commonly used plastic materials for lipstick packaging include polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These materials are also highly customizable, allowing brands to design lipstick packaging that reflects their unique brand identities.
Additionally, plastic lipstick packaging materials offer excellent protection against moisture, air, and light, helping to preserve the quality and shelf life of the lipstick.